Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Pengalaman Latihan Industri Di Petronas Gas Berhad

Assalamualaikum WBT


Hai korang... Hari ni aku nak share sikit pengalaman aku berpraktikal/berinternship/ber-LI kat petronas nih..okeh 1st of all aku rasa nak share ni sbb aku jarang baca orang yg share intern kat petronas segamat ni.. slalunye share intern kat petronas KLCC je kan..haa gitueww gahhh..!

Ok start with macamana aku rasa nk apply untuk internship dengan petronas ni.. sebab kawan aku ajak..! HAHA the bila aku fikir2 macam ok jugak sebab Petronas kot kan..

Then ktorang isi Application Form kat website Petronas. Kat situ boleh buat 3 pilihan lokasi untuk intern yang berkenan at hati2... Kami pilih Segamat ni PILIHAN PERTAMA sebab..sebab katanya ad kekosongan bahagia IT kat sini.. Nak dijadikan ada rezki kan.. dalam seminggu macam tu staff yang handle intern ni call la aku.. Tanya ok ke kalau dapat kat segamat? then aku rasa macam ok jelah sebab rezki memag ada pada kami. Kawan aku tu pn dapat. So ada gang la katakan so kami isi2 borang2 sume sebab dah setuju untuk intern kat situ.

sooo..apa yang ok yang  bagus yang awesome sangat kat sini?

Ramai yang takut nak datang sni sebab depa pk segamat ni xde apa..hehe aku cakap mcm tu sebab ad sorang gak budak fakulti aku tolak sebab katanya jauh n takut xok kat sni. So sebenarnya aku nak cakap ok jee kalau nk ada life kat sni... syok kott.. kami stay Taman Yayasan which is taman yang paling dekat dengan petronas ni..3-5 min je dah boleh sampai tempat keje uols..HAHA

Serious talk memang taman tu okey sangat sebab kemudahan memang ada dalam tu je contohnya macam pasar borong, speedmart, kedai mamak, ATM n cash deposit pun adooo, pasaraya nirwana, farmasi..alah nak sebut satu2 xlarat tapi memang ok la tu stay here kan bagi yang takut2 nak datang tu..hihi okeh lagiii dalam 10-15 min camtu dah boleh pegi bando.. ada la Mall tu bagi yang memang suka2 jelajah mall(ada woyammm ofcoz johor katako) ni (aku tak sangat) HAHA.

Okey move to pengalaman dalam pejabat la pulak ye (banyak sangat melalut hihi)

Sebenarnya Aku ni budak Computer Science but Major aku Web Technology... haaa sistem or web developer tu haa keje akuuu... hihi... 1st week masuk ni aku kagum la dengan environment keje kat sini. Sebab everyone seen worker horlic wehhh serammm wehh.. HAHA memang dorang memang rajin berdisiplin beretika dan sebagainya.. hehe

Aku ditempatkan dalam Human Resources Management department. So disebabkan aku budak Web aku sebenarnya dapat jugak menimba ilmu baru iaitu management kan. 2 in 1 gitu.. so for update, aku dapat big project to join a team utk update system PECAS. apa itu system PECAS? malas nk citer sbb korang xpaham jgk..hihi.. untuk minor task pulak aku n kawan ak propose untuk develop system Training Schedule viewer system. Sambil menyelam minum air katakana projek ni dibat untuk final projek kitorang disampingg nk tlg memdahkan kerja staff2 department ni..Ada la jugak sumbangan kan..hehee...Kat bawah ni buku pasal transfoemasi sebuah perbadanan minyak nasional.

So far memang selesa kat sni. sume orang baik dan senang la nak blaja dengan mereka. Di harapkan apa yang aku dah belajar kat sini ni dapat diterapkan dalam masa kan datang. Staff2 HRM kat sini sangat sporting mana taknye 1st week masuk smpai 2kali jamuan raya.. Sakan beraya dulu sebelum kena pressure kan.. HAHA

Basically apa yang PGB segamat buat?

okey PGB segamat ni adalah operation center bagi operasi unutk logi2 lain macam kertih, tok arun, kuantan, melaka, pasir gudang, gurun, miri, bintulu yang korek minyak gas tu sume kan. Gas to akan dihantar ke sini utk storage and division ke utara n selatan pendek kata untuk satu malaysia. Kat dalam Bangunan Pentadbiran sini ada department HRM, finance, Engineering dan ICT. xbanyak sebab mostly beroperasi kat KLCC kan. Kiranya segamat ni pusat operasi yang ke2 lah camtu.

Okeyyy setakat ni lah dulu nanti aku akan update lagi pasal ni sebab aku pun baru 2minggu kat sni.. banyak lagi yang nak kena belajar..

Thanks for read..!

Friday, 19 May 2017



Ontology : Data Integration

      How to integrate data ?
The rough structure of data integration :
  1. Map the various data onto an abstract data representation
    • make the data independent of its internal representation
  2.  Merge the resulting representations
  3.  Start making queries on the whole!
    • queries that could not have been done on the individual data sets

Next, change the Dataset X into a set of relations.

Now, your turn to change the Dataset Z into a set of relations.

Model the following ontologies into set of relations :
  • Herbivores, Carnivores, and Omnivores are animals
  • People are omnivores
  • People have names of type “string”
  • Vegetarians are people who are herbivores
  • “eats” is a property of animals and the values of the property must be of the type “food”
  • Meat and Veggies are types of food

Monday, 20 March 2017

LAB 3: RDF Graph

💕Group Members💕




rdf:about="" rdf:type="">

rdf:about="" rdf:type="">


💬 TRIPLES (click to view image)

💬 GRAPHS (click to view image)

Tuesday, 7 March 2017


Group Members:
1. Noor Salwaniza Binti Zainol Abidin (Ai140087)
2. Siti Hajjar Binti Tuan Mat (Ai140148)
3. Siti Sakirah Binti Mat ( Ai140068)
1.  http: // is a homepage and it is owned by Haneena. 

2.  http: //”> is a course named C#-programming and is lectured by Adib Razi at room BT1.  

3.  By using container element rdf:Bag,  give an RDF description that states the following: Aisy and Bob own the car JPQ2225

4.  By using the ”collection” value of the rdf : parseType attribute, give an RDF description that states the following: Aisy and Bob own the car JPQ2225.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Semantic Web | Puan Hanayanti | 22 february 2017 | Lab 1

Group Members
1- Siti Sakirah Binti Mat (ai140068)
2- Siti Hajjar Binti Tuan Mat (ai140148)
3- Noor Salwaniza Binti Zainol Abidin (ai140087)

Question 1  

Adharizq Enterprise has a phone directory that records the first and last name, phone number and email address of every staff in the company. Departments are the main organising unit of the company so the phone directory is typically displayed in department order and shows for each department the phone no, fax number and email address.


Question 2

a.  Give an XML-document (by not using attributes), which includes the information that the first name of a person is Zahra, her last name is Adib, and her professions are doctor, therapist and surgeon.

   <firstname> Zahra</firstname>
   <lastname> Adib</lastname>

b.  Give the tree diagram of the document given in 2a.

c.  Modify the document given in exercise 2a such that the “first” and “last” are the attributes of the name element.

<person name="fullname">
   <firstname> Zahra</firstname>
   <lastname> Adib</lastname>

Question 3

a.  Give an XML-document (by not using attributes), which includes the following information: the social security number (123456789A), the first name of a person is Adha, and his last name is Hadif, his address is composed of postcode (86400), city (Batu Pahat) and street (Jalan Puding), and his telephone numbers are 12345 and 67890.

     <?xml version="1.0"?>
          <city>Batu Pahat</city>
      ]  <street>Jalan Puding</street>

b.  Give the tree diagram of the document given in exercise 3a.

c.  Give a DTD (Document Type Definition) for the XML-document specified  in 3a. 

<?!DOCTYPE profile
<!ELEMENT address (postcode,city,street)
<!ELEMENT postcode (#PCDATA)
<!ELEMENT street (#PCDATA)

d.  Give an XML Schema for the information specified  in exercise 3a.

<xs:element name="profile">

    <xs:element name="security_no" type="xs:varchar"/>
    <xs:element name="firstname" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="lastname" type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:element name="address" type="xs:string"/>

    <xs:element name="postcode" type="xs:int"/>
    <xs:element name="city" type="xs:varchar"/>
    <xs:element name="street" type="xs:varchar"/>

    <xs:element name="no_1" type="xs:int"/>
    <xs:element name="no_2" type="xs:int"/>


Internship Experiences In PETRONAS Gas Berhad PART II

Assalamualaikum gaisss...! Diam tak diam lama tak lama, aku ni dah 3minggu tanam jagung kat rumah hahhaha *if know what i mean * :) So b...